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Construction primer

The most widely used product of Sahand Shimi, which is used to prepare all types of plaster, cement and concrete surfaces. Sahand Shimi Construction Primer is a milky white polymer resin that is used to reduce permeability and increase surface adhesion. The use of primer significantly increases the durability, lifespan and quality of tiling and sealing, and these features have made it one of the essential requirements in surface preparation.

This product is available in 5 and 20 liter gallons.


6,500,000 ریال


Sahand Shimi Construction Primer is used to prepare all types of plaster, cement, concrete, and ACC block surfaces before sealing or tiling.

This product improves the adhesion of cement-based compounds such as tile adhesive, sealants, or cement-sand mortar to the substrate in one application step. It also reduces the consumption of consumables and water absorption by covering the surface’s capillary pores.

To inquire about the price of surface preparation materials and purchase all types of surface preparation materials, such as Sahand Shimi concrete adhesive, you can call 02152164 or contact our experts through the links on the Contact Us page.

Is it necessary to use a primer?

For some surfaces that have high water absorption (such as plaster walls), the use of a primer is necessary. Surfaces with high water absorption absorb the water in the tile adhesive, sealant, or cement-sand mortar mixture, causing it to become hollow and brittle.

However, the presence of a primer layer prevents water from escaping from the mixture and being absorbed by the surface, giving the tile adhesive (or sealant) the opportunity to reach its final strength.

Since Sahand Shimi Construction Primer is a strong base and an excellent binder, it creates a strong bond between the surface and the cement mixture, significantly increasing its adhesion and strength.

Sahand Shimi Primer Applications

Among the applications of primer are the following:

Preparing plaster surfaces for tiling and sealing
Increasing the adhesion of concrete surfaces for applying sealing materials
Reducing water absorption of plaster and cement surfaces
Preparing plaster surfaces for applying wallpaper

Calculating the amount of primer required

Given the different absorption of different surfaces, including plaster and cement surfaces, the volume of primer used will also vary. However, on average, each 5-liter gallon of Sahand Shimi Primer is sufficient to cover 20 square meters.

Surface conditions

Before applying the construction primer, clean the surface of any dust, paint, oil, corrosion, cracks and peeling, and then apply Sahand Shimi Primer to the surface using a brush, roller or spray gun.

Application temperature and workability time

The best application temperature for Sahand Shimi Primer is between 5 and 40 degrees Celsius.

Expiration Date and Storage Conditions

Sahand Shimi Construction Primer can be used for up to one year if stored in its packaging and away from direct sunlight and the freezing cycle.

Note 1: Sahand Shimi Primer acts as an excellent primer to reduce water and moisture permeability and to increase the adhesion of the substrate surface, but it should be noted that this product does not have a waterproofing function and should not be used as a moisture barrier or waterproofing.

Note 2: Sahand Shimi Primer performs best in reducing the permeability of the substrate surface to water and moisture and also increasing the adhesion of the surface to the new layer. However, it should be noted that this product will never replace Sahand Shimi’s two-component moisture barrier or waterproofing.



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Construction primer

6,500,000 ریال