Concrete admixtures
Concrete admixtures are chemical or mineral substances that are added in specific proportions to the concrete mix design to enhance certain properties of this important building material. For example, a specific group of concrete admixtures is responsible for retarding, accelerating, and plasticizing concrete, and admixtures such as concrete bonding agents can increase the adhesion of concrete or mortar.
Let’s get to know the widely used concrete admixtures better.
Sahand Chemical Concrete Bonding Agent
Concrete bonding agent is the most widely used concrete admixture of Sahand Chemical, the use of which in the concrete mix design increases strength, durability and lifespan, flexibility and adhesion. Especially for better bonding of new mortar to old concrete, the use of concrete bonding agent is recommended.
In addition to high resistance to mechanical and temperature stresses, concrete bonding agent can increase the resistance of concrete to moisture penetration. Of course, concrete bonding agent is not sufficient for 100% waterproofing, and for this purpose, Sahand Chemical two-component waterproofing should be used.
Mortar Reinforcement Resin (Latex)
Mortar reinforcement resin is a complementary emulsion resin for sand cement mortar and powder tile adhesive that can replace a certain amount of water in the mortar.
This admixture increases the strength of hardened mortar against temperature stresses and crack formation. Increasing adhesion strength and reducing water permeability into the mortar are other properties of this product.
Another application of Sahand Chemical mortar reinforcement resin (latex) is its combination with grout powder to partially waterproof the joints between tiles and ceramics. (For basic and principled waterproofing, Sahand Chemical two-component waterproofing should be used.)
Sahand Chemical Latex Flex
This product is produced based on emulsion resins, and adding it to cement-based adhesives increases adhesion, flexibility and moisture resistance. Therefore, adding it to Flex porcelain tile adhesive is recommended for installing large tiles, stones and ceramics.