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AAC block adhesive

Sahand Chemical AAC block adhesive is a product based on cement and minerals that is suitable for installing all types of autoclaved aerated concrete (AAC) blocks.

This product is a powder compound that, with features such as high preparation speed, thin-layer mortar execution, and high adhesion strength, helps to reduce the weight of the structure and level the walls.

Sahand Chemical block adhesive is available in 20 kg bags.


3,600,000 ریال


Sahand Chemical AAC Block Adhesive

Sahand Chemical block adhesive (Hebelx adhesive) is used to install all types of autoclaved aerated concrete (AAC) blocks and lightweight blocks in the interior and exterior walls of buildings. Sahand Chemical block adhesive has easy preparation, fast execution, high adhesion and durability.

Sahand Chemical is a manufacturer and sales center of all kinds of cement cleaners from tiles and ceramics with the highest quality.

To inquire about the price of block adhesive and buy block adhesive, you can call 02152164 or contact our experts through the links on the contact us page.

AAC Block Adhesive vs. Sand Cement Mortar

Since lightweight and aerated blocks (AAC) are designed and produced to reduce the weight of the structure, the materials used to install them should also help this goal. The use of sand and cement mortar increases the weight of the structure due to its high thickness during execution. In contrast, block adhesive, due to its low thickness and unique features, is a suitable choice for this type of block. Also, these blocks have higher resistance to destruction than clay blocks and the possibility of damage to them during transportation is very low.

In contrast, Sahand Chemical block adhesive, with its special formulation, in addition to creating more strength, significantly reduces the weight of the structure and significantly increases the overall strength of the structure due to the thin layer execution.

Applications of Sahand Chemical Block Adhesive

Sahand Chemical AAC block adhesive is a ready-to-use mortar that can be used to bond lightweight blocks after mixing it with water and create a smooth surface on the interior or exterior facade of the structure. This product is used to install all types of autoclaved aerated concrete (AAC) blocks or lightweight blocks:

Sahand Chemical block adhesive (Sahand Chemical Hebelx adhesive) is ready to use by adding the right amount of water, and also due to the high speed of preparation and execution, it leads to a lot of savings in cost and time.

In addition to the high adhesion strength that it provides for connecting blocks together, the additives in the formulation of Sahand Chemical block adhesive have made this cement-based compound flexible. Due to the additives used in the manufacture of this product, it can be used in various environmental conditions.

Due to this feature, the blocks installed with this cement-based powder adhesive will have acceptable resistance to structural stresses and building settlements.

It should be noted that in addition to AAC blocks, this adhesive can also be used to bond other lightweight blocks. Thin layer execution of this adhesive reduces the weight of the structure by 75% and thus helps to improve the performance of the structure against possible damage.

Calculating the Required Amount of Sahand Chemical Block Adhesive

Each 20 kg bag of Sahand Chemical block adhesive usually covers a volume of about 1 cubic meter of blocks. This consumption rate depends on the execution method and the thickness of the block adhesive used.

How to Prepare Sahand Chemical Block Adhesive

Mix each 20 kg bag of Sahand Chemical block adhesive with about 5 to 6 liters of water using an electric mixer at low speed (4 to 1 weight ratio). To do this, slowly add the powder to the water while stirring and continue mixing until a uniform and homogeneous mortar is obtained.

Then let the mortar rest for 5 minutes and then mix it again a little. Now your block adhesive is ready to use. This product is considered environmentally friendly due to reduced water consumption and does not cause irreparable damage to the environment.

How to Apply Sahand Chemical Block Adhesive

In the standard method, a thin layer of adhesive is first applied to all faces of the block and the block is installed on the adhesive surface within a maximum of 20 minutes. The point to note is that before gluing the blocks together, clean the surface of the block from dust and grease.

Operating Temperature and Workability Time

The best operating temperature for Sahand Chemical block adhesive is between +5 and +40 degrees Celsius. At lower temperatures, the drying time of the adhesive will be longer.

The shelf life of powder tile adhesive after mixing with water (workability time) depends on various factors such as temperature, the volume of prepared adhesive and its container.

In general, to create the best performance of block adhesive, it is recommended to prepare only the amounts needed up to a maximum of 1 hour and then proceed to make new adhesive.

Setting Time

The setting time of block adhesive under standard conditions (25 degrees Celsius) is 72 hours and the block adhesive reaches its maximum strength after 28 days. This time depends on various factors such as temperature, humidity, adhesive thickness and execution conditions and may be shorter or longer. Using AAC block adhesive, in addition to being easier than cement mortar, also increases resistance and strength.

Expiration Date and Storage Conditions

Sahand Chemical block adhesive can be used for up to one year if stored in its packaging and in a dry place away from moisture.



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چسب بلوک AAC

AAC block adhesive

3,600,000 ریال