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Porcelain Flex Tile Adhesive

Flexhand Porcelain Adhesive  .

Sahand Chemical Porcelain Flex Adhesive is a powerful compound containing polymer additives and polypropylene fibers, designed for bonding porcelain ceramics, large slabs, and ordinary tiles and mosaics to vertical and horizontal surfaces in dry and humid environments.   

The presence of fibers in the structure of this product increases its flexibility, adhesion strength, tensile and flexural resistance.



Sahand Chemical Porcelain Flex Tile Adhesive, with its polypropylene fibers and polymer additives, brings strength along with greater flexibility. The presence of fibers in the structure of this product increases its tensile, flexural and deformation resistance.

To inquire about the price and purchase of tile adhesive and the price and purchase of Sahand Chemical ceramic adhesive, you can call 02152164 or contact our experts through the links on the Contact Us page.

In addition, the polymer additives in the composition of this adhesive make it possible to bond porcelain ceramics, ordinary tiles and mosaics, and natural and artificial stones with low water absorption to floors and walls in various environmental conditions.

This product has high flexibility and adhesion. It is easy to use and replacing this adhesive with traditional methods also makes the structure lighter.

Advantages of Porcelain Flex Tile Adhesive

  • Suitable for all types of tiles and ceramics with low water absorption
  • High adhesion strength
  • High flexibility
  • Has flexural and tensile strength
  • High workability time
  • Moisture resistant
  • Resistant to temperature changes

Application of Porcelain Flex Tile Adhesive

  • Installation of all types of tiles, porcelain ceramics and slabs, natural and artificial stones, ordinary and glass mosaics to horizontal and vertical surfaces in dry and humid indoor and outdoor environments

Consumption rate of Porcelain Flex Tile Adhesive

  • Depending on the type of substrate and its smoothness, the consumption rate per square meter varies. Under standard conditions, about 5 to 7 kg of Sahand Chemical Porcelain Flex tile adhesive is sufficient to cover one square meter.

Preparation of the substrate

  • Before using tile adhesive, the substrate must be completely clean, free of grease, loose particles and dust.

How to use

  • Each 20 kg bag of Sahand Chemical Porcelain Flex tile adhesive is mixed with about 5 to 6 liters of water by an electric mixer at low speed.
  • The container in which mixing takes place must be proportional to the volume of work and the speed of the mixer.
  • When mixing, slowly add the powder to the water and continue mixing until a uniform and homogeneous mortar is obtained.
  • Let the mortar rest for 5 minutes and after a little re-mixing, the mortar is ready to use.
  • Apply the adhesive to the desired surface using a notched trowel and by creating parallel grooves and install the tile within 20 minutes.

Important points about Sahand Chemical Porcelain Flex tile adhesive

  • After mixing the resin and powder adhesive, the maximum time to use the mortar is 1 hour.
  • When installing the tile, the temperature of the substrate is better to be between +5 and +40 degrees Celsius.
  • At least after 24 hours, the tiled surface is ready for grouting.
  • For the installation of slab tiles, use a 5 liter gallon of Sahand Chemical Flex latex resin for every 3 bags of Porcelain Flex tile adhesive.


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Porcelain Flex Tile Adhesive
